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Surfactant, Drift Reduction Agent and Deposition Aid, Acidifier (ASTM)

Originally designed and built to make FullLoad Complete™ the best acidic AMS replacement all-in-one adjuvant product on the market

Works especially well with glyphosate and other tank mixtures such as 2,4-D, providing drift management and volatility reduction

Hard Water Scavenger System will replace 20 lbs of AMS at the 1 qt per 100 gallons of spray

A 2.5 gallon jug of Full Load Complete™ will replace 170 lbs AMS, 2.5 gallons of NIS, and a drift reduction product

What Full Load Complete™ Does


Replaces AMS and Replaces NIS with a premium surfactant blend


Improves performance with other chemistries and broader weed spectrum over more environmental conditions


Supplies glyphosate’s favorite surfactant


Reduces pH, increases glyphosate and glufosinate availability, counteracts hard water cations


Increases spray deposition & reduces drift


Reduces herbicide volatility such as 2,4-D


Enhances the performance of glyphosate, 2,4-D, dicamba, sethoxydim, MCPA, clethodim, imazamox, paraquat, diquat, etc.

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